Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Wedding

as everybody was very busy and excited about the whole wedding thing no one remembered to take away my camera and i was able to get some nice snap shots!

look at this for example, hehehehehehehehe:

and during the ceremony someone got all teary eyed...

and look at these guys - unbelievable!

and despite of his promise to behave - i guess it is not in bendrix nature....

and there are some others who might not be at their very best behavior...

..... back to the wedding now!


Motor Home Cats said...

Those are a couple of great photos Emil. Good job.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Daisy said...

Hahahahaha! Those are the funniest candid shots I have ever seen!

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

those pics are hi-larious!!!


Babs (Beetle) said...

Ha ha ha! Those are great photographs! Can't wait for more ;O)

Purrs, Sukie X


We love the food replicator!!
Yeah, we'd all like a gasoline
replicator about now...... Ha Ha
Thanks for the behind the wedding
shots, We raise our glass of Romulain wine to you!
Spooky,Daisy,Aniwa & Shadow :)

Skeezix the Cat said...

Emil, I'm so glad yoo were abul to kapcher a few kandid shots. It's okay to kry at weddings, rite? I meen, it shows that I'm sensitive, rite?

Mr. Hendrix said...

oh no! i told him he'd get caught...poor sassy...

Anonymous said...


Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no, Sassy! We know you're innocent.

Sassy Kat said...

I said earlier that Bendrix should have had the nip taken away from him. Now all I, Sassy, can say is give me more nip.
Momo run for helpppppppppppp!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Great photos!!!! You reckon Pixie has enough bananas there?

Bendrix is naughty!!!!


Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Emil we love your photos!! (hehehehehehe)
Your FL furiends,

mog said...

Always good to get the behind the scenes scoop, you did a great job.

Didn't know cats liked bananas. Bring on the 'nip.

MaoMao said...

hehehehehehehehehe -- we Ballicai are crackin up, rollin onna floor with our pawsies wavin inna air! Dorydoo didn't think she gotted caught in that burp, but she did! SHE DID!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Great job, Emil! You are one heck of a super photographer!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Dorydoo said...



Those pictures are hilarious! Yes, I just couldn't keep from doing one great, big, good burp...

The return of Burpydoo!

Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.

Mary said...

Hahaha! That Captain Stifler's Pik makes the ball even more funnier :D

-Stifler's Mom

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Ooooooooooh, the cello!!!!!

Tigmut'hep said...

Oh no you caught me in the eeer act... Ok, so I've been a baaad kitty! :( Maybe I should go back to rehab and try and kick my 'nip addiction... Then again I do so love a good party! ;)

Hope I wasn't too naughty... Have a fantastic honeymoon! :)


Mr. Hendrix said...

we had to come back and look again. you certainly found your calling Emil!! these are great. Bendrix is completely shameless! he isn't even embarrassed.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Emil! where are you?? you need to get home right now. i mean now! Bendrix says so. your beans need you to come home safe and sound.